
In 2011 Christ Lutheran Church celebrated its 60th anniversary. We have been blessed beyond measure.

The church sponsored a congregational mission trip to Guatemala in 2012. The participants visited Iglesia Luterana Agustin de Guatemala. They prepared activities for the church-supported school, visited two local congregations, and hosted a day of learning and crafts at the center. They delivered a donated solar panel for one of the remote churches that Pastor Castillo and the center supported.

Guatamala Mission Work
Guatamala Mission Trip Team

New fun, fellowship experiences started in the 2010s that continue today.

Souper Bowl of Caring (raises funds for Brazosport Cares food pantry) and March Madness bracket pool (encourages friendly competition and raises funds for a selected charitable effort) both continue to be favorites.

Big People Bible School was a huge success. It offered the opportunity for senior citizens or other adults who were interested to come together in the summer to study the word, complete crafts, eat together and enjoy the company.

In 2016 Faith in Action Festivals were organized to bring congregations and other organizations throughout the community together. It was an outreach program celebrating the community. It offered fun experiences for children and adults alike.

Home Group was started to offer an alternative Bible Study or book study opportunity, not only for members of Christ Lutheran but for other faiths to join together in fellowship and learning.

Boredom Busters started each week to test our abilities at fun games and to visit with others.

2019-2021 Global Pandemic Changed the
Way We Worship

In 2019 a global event that shook the world - a pandemic. The COVID-19 virus changed life as
we knew it.

Businesses, churches and schools were closed under government mandates. Health Officials were calling for people to stay in and away from large groups.  Face masks became an essential part of the public’s attire and vaccines were deemed necessary by the government.

Many lost loved ones to the virus as the death toll soared globally.

Social media quickly became the primary mode of communication for church services, businesses and schools.

Technology such as Zoom, YouTube or Face book Live Streaming became familiar methods of getting together to worship, visit with family, do business or go to school.

COVID-19 YouTube Videos

Continuing into 2020 and 2021, Pastor Paul conducted services much of this time on social media. When church council finally deemed it safe to return to church, many precautions were taken.  The congregation was encouraged to wear masks and communion was handled with fewer coming to the altar at a time and prepared bread and wine set out by gloved assistants. From mid-March to September 2021 we worshiped together in person only one time. Sadly, the Pumpkin Patch had to be canceled as well.