
Reverend Leslie Carlson

In 1961, Pastor Leslie Carlson was welcomed to Christ Lutheran, just in time for Hurricane Carla. No worship services were held on September 10, 1961 due to storm evacuation. Part of the parsonage roof was blown away.

Women’s roles in the church were slowly expanding. Prior to 1962, women could not serve on the board of trustees, although they filled many other roles including Sunday school teachers, alter guild and circle groups. In 1964 a woman was on the board at Christ Lutheran Church for the first time.

In 1966 Scout Troop 311 went on six weekend camping trips and one week-long summer camp. Each trip was blessed by continuous or intermittent rain.

in 1968, Pastor Carlson resigned due to poor health and Pastor Kenneth Ribe (right) took on the leadership role at Christ Lutheran. A new parsonage was purchased for $28,000, although the plans for a fireplace had to be cut because there wasn’t a penny more to spare in the budget.

Pastor Kenneth Ribe